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Try out PMC Labs and tell us what you think. Learn More. Skin and skin disorders have had spiritual aspects since ancient times. Skin, hair, and nails are visible to self and others, and touchable by self and others. The skin is a major sensory organ. Spiritual and religious significances of skin are revealed through how much of the skin has been and continues to be covered with what types of coverings, scalp and beard hair cutting, shaving and styling, skin, nail, and hair coloring and decorating, tattooing, and intentional scarring of skin.

Persons with visible skin disorders have often been stigmatized or even treated as outcasts. Shamans and other spiritual and religious healers have brought about healing of skin disorders through spiritual means. Spiritual and religious interactions with various skin disorders such as psoriasis, leprosy, and vitiligo are discussed, the piercing bible pdf download.

Religious aspects of skin and skin diseases are evaluated for several major religions, with a special focus on Judaism, both conventional and kabbalistic. Skin and skin disorders have had spiritual and religious aspects since ancient times. The shamans who helped our ancestors to survive and who even today in many areas of the world help to treat skin disorders in part through spiritual means believed that negative spiritual effects could help produce illness and that positive spiritual effects could help alleviate illness.

The shamans often employed trance-like states known as altered states of consciousness ASC to access the spiritual. There is much still to be learned from the time-tested shamanic approach to the spiritual through ASC. Spiritual effects on skin, skin disorders, and healing of skin disorders occur through mechanisms that medical science is just beginning to understand. Psychoneuroimmunology of the skin is elucidating how the mind can influence the skin and skin disorders.

Spirit, mind, emotions, and body are one holistic unit and each aspect influences skin, skin disorders, and healing. In this paper the focus will be on how spiritual experiences, often in ASC, and religious beliefs, rituals, and prayers can affect various aspects of skin and skin disorders.

Several relevant topics will be discussed to help clarify how such spiritual the piercing bible pdf download religious effects on skin and skin disorders can occur. Other references were obtained from the papers and book chapters as well as books located through the search process.

com was also searched for relevant titles. Classical commentary by Biblical scholars was also included. Numerous definitions of spirituality exist. Aldwin et al also distinguish between religiousness with its affiliation and service attendance, and spirituality with its meditative and self-transcendent aspects and note their effects on health. Spirituality is hidden, not overt, the piercing bible pdf download, yet can manifest energetically.

Spirituality can be experienced from early childhood onwards, with growth in spiritual maturity often following life crises. This is a shift to a higher or deeper self or higher plane or awareness of a higher being or greater source of being that is most likely to be the piercing bible pdf download in a spontaneous or an induced trance state, or at least a transpersonal transcendence to heightened and broadened awareness.

The transcendence beyond ordinary limits may be accompanied by a sense of nobleness, the piercing bible pdf download, self-actualization, altruism, or communication with spirits or deities, or merging with a supreme being or with nature. The authors have personally experienced and have had patients and congregants report that this can result in stress reduction and a feeling of wellbeing and a personal sense of inner healing and peacefulness.

It can also increase resiliency. Spirituality can be expressed through various religious traditions, but is not confined to religious practice or belief. On the other hand, spiritual struggle has appeared to predict poor health outcomes consistently.

In the example of preparing for cardiac surgery, it has been demonstrated that increased levels of the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 occurred in patients who were the piercing bible pdf download spiritually. The art of spiritual healing in general and of skin specifically involves rising beyond the polarities and dualities of conscious life toward the wholeness of unity 9 found in a heightened and broadened awareness, often with a shift into an ASC that becomes dimensionless and timeless.

Accompanying that spiritual shift and ASC is usually an emotional shift in polyvagal autonomic state 10 from sympathetic to parasympathetic with an accompanying shift in body chemistry from sympathetic fight or flight to dorsal vagal complex rest, digest, repair and heal, and ventral vagal emotional feeling and expression with transpersonal engagement. The the piercing bible pdf download in emotional and autonomic states are often required to facilitate and unblock spiritual and physical healing of the skin.

Spiritual experiences most frequently occur accompanied by a shift toward or into an ASC. The brain as an operating system has several functional modes. The four major functional modes are the ordinary state of consciousness, which at times includes the hypervigilant state of consciousness, the ASC, the dreamlike rapid eye movement form of sleep, and deep sleep. Healing in general and of the skin specifically is impaired during the hypervigilant state of consciousness and to a lesser extent during the ordinary state of consciousness, while healing is usually allowed to proceed during ASC, rapid eye movement sleep, and deep sleep.

The ASC is a daydream-like or trance-like functional brain mode common in childhood but less so in adulthood, often with little if any sense the piercing bible pdf download self-awareness. The individual may be in one of several possible altered states of consciousness, which should be kept in mind whenever there is reference to the ASC.

Trance is a deep state of absorption. There is a shift to parasympathetic autonomic nervous system dominance associated with vegetative body activities, such as rest and healing, including healing of the skin.

The ASC occurs spontaneously and intermittently throughout the waking time. Individuals vary in how easily they can shift into ASC.

Some individuals have more innate ability to shift into ASC than others, based on genetic determinants and brain chemistry. One factor is polymorphism of the catechol-O-methyltransferase enzyme in the brain that degrades the neurotransmitter dopamine. In its place, a person may experience merging into unity feeling connected with all as one. Others who are dissociative high-hypnotizable or who are medium-hypnotizable may also have spiritual experiences spontaneously or after training in shifting into higher self during ASC.

There is a precept that ethical and psychospiritual preparation is important for the individual to become an appropriate vessel to contain the spiritual experience. For the spiritual experience, like many other aspects of life, chance favors the prepared mind. The earliest spiritual-religious practitioners were shamans, the piercing bible pdf download.

Among other activities, shamans practiced healing of spirit, mind, the piercing bible pdf download, emotions, and body - including skin disorders. Shamanic techniques still have relevance today to promote healing of some skin disorders resistant to conventional approaches.

Many shamans in diverse cultures shift into ASC intentionally, often using auditory driving of drumming at a range of — beats per minute, most commonly at — beats per minute but varying from one culture and individual to another.

Alternatively, shamanic auditory driving may be done using clicking sticks or rattles. In some cultures, hallucinogenic or otherwise mind-altering plant materials may be used to assist the shaman in attaining ASC.

Dancing and fasting are other methods for attaining ASC. The shaman enters the ASC with special training and experience for specific purposes, and in a specific cultural setting with expectations for specific content. This mode is termed by the authors as the shamanic state of consciousness and content SSCCand corresponds with what Rock and Krippner call shamanic patterns of phenomenal properties. The shamanic state of consciousness and the content are two separate aspects that are combined in the SSCC.

The piercing bible pdf download contents for the SSCC include a visual mental image or its equivalent in another sensory the piercing bible pdf download such as auditory or kinesthetic, the outward appearance of that image must be consistent with a shamanic cosmology, the image must be consistent with the purpose of the shamanic journey, and the function of the vision must be consistent with the vision.

Typical shamanic spiritual treatment elements include suggestion and imagery, discovery of the cause, removal or release of the cause, followed by subconscious relearning. These treatments can be directed when needed toward healing skin conditions, as discussed further below.

In traditional Eastern culture, the piercing bible pdf download, the ASC may also be intentionally entered through concentrative meditation or mindfulness meditation and in traditional Western culture more commonly through hypnosis, 2 but without the specific shamanic content.

Hassidic Jews commonly use ASC during mystical chanting, dancing, prayer, and other rituals. Written language also, through its abstract symbolic nature, tends to shift toward male social dominance and linear active left brain processes, while images in their concrete symbolic nature tend to shift toward female social dominance and nonlinear healing right brain processes.

The ASC usually affords access to the subconscious and to the superconscious. Quieting the ordinary state of consciousness and shifting to ASC the piercing bible pdf download listening to the subconscious, which is otherwise usually drowned out by the chatter of the ordinary conscious state.

Being in the ASC also allows intentional changes in autonomic regulation, immune regulation, and other aspects that are not under the usual conscious control of the ordinary state of consciousness. The right temporal lobe of the brain has been implicated in spiritual experiences that may occur in ASC or associated with right temporal lobe epilepsy.

The ASC corresponds to what we know as nonordinary reality. Other terms for nonordinary reality in other cultures include the unconscious mind, transpersonal fields, the life force, the collective unconscious, the chakras, the Tao, the piercing bible pdf download, and the spirit world.

Because spiritual experiences are in ASC and nonordinary reality, the spiritual experiences often become difficult to express or to remember accurately in the ordinary state of consciousness and ordinary reality.

Some shamans and mystics develop the ability to transition rapidly back and forth between nonordinary reality and ordinary reality by shifting between trance and ordinary alert states, the piercing bible pdf download.

Other shamans and mystics develop the ability to remain in a very light trance or SSCC for prolonged periods where they can perceive nonordinary reality and ordinary reality simultaneously. Trance induction was indicated on a 3,year-old stele in Egypt, in sleep temples in ancient Greece, the piercing bible pdf download, and in the Bible at Genesis1 SamuelJob andand Acts Spiritual experiences may also occur during dreaming in rapid eye movement sleep. Again there may be difficulty remembering the spiritual experiences accurately upon awakening, so some use journaling at intervals during the night or immediately upon awakening to preserve the dream contents.

Some shamans, such as those in Australia, use the dream time more than ASC as their preferred mode of spiritual connection. Spiritual dream experiences are recorded repeatedly in the Bible 26 in Genesis,,,,,, andNumbersJudges and1 KingsJob andPsalms andEcclesiastesIsaiahJeremiahDaniel,, 2;9,the piercing bible pdf download,,, andJoelMatthew, , andand Acts Religion also has many definitions. Organized religion is a group of believers who accept a common set of beliefs, practices, and rituals derived from sacred stories and myths.

There is broad acceptance based on moments of heightened consciousness or ASC of historical and mythological figures regarding spiritual issues that concern existence and meaning. Religion has also been facetiously defined as being the politics of spirituality attributed to Bill Olson.

Often a religion is based on the spiritual experiences of the mythical or real leader or leaders who formed the religion. A person can have spiritual experiences and not be religious, or a person can be religious but unaware of or uninterested in spiritual experiences. In kabbalistic terms, spirituality can be associated with the loving kindness of the sephira of Chesed, being open and spontaneous, freeing, warm, fruitful, and full of light, while religion can be associated with the strength, discipline, boundaries, and restrictiveness of the sephira of Gevurah, being ritualistic, legalistic, limiting, and sometimes concerned with domination.

Kabbalistic healing rituals have been developed, including rituals for healing skin disorders, such as visualizing the sefirotic flow of energy for healing skin disorders. With respect to religious historical development and religious healing, shamans preceded other forms of religious practitioners. Considerable insight into religious development can be obtained through familiarity with shamanism. The piercing bible pdf download presents the Hassidic Tzadik as a shamanistic practitioner.

The shaman is generally found in hunter-gatherer societies without agriculture and uses SSCC for healing and divination. Each shaman usually has several helping spirits the shaman encounters and with whom the shaman develops relationships with when in SSCC. Tales of shamans journeying or witches flying reflect their use of ASC. The priest employs sociopolitical and religious power over believers and engages in magicoreligious agricultural rites and propitiation of gods for socioeconomic protection, largely through sacrifices of one type or another.

Priests generally do not use ASC and may not have the piercing bible pdf download direct experiences with spirits. The placebo effect is one factor in achieving a healing.

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